Monday, January 2, 2012


2012 and we all have resolutions. This year I joined the Do Life Challenge and the 1st challenge is to set 5 goals. Ben Davis is the founder of the Do Life company and if you are looking for an inspirational motivator he is it. He started running, lost 130 pounds during his journey, ran races from 5Ks to marathons to an ironman, and then started this company. We can all meet our goals, but first you need to set some goals.
Goals need to be specific and you should have a plan to accomplish them. Saying I want to lose weight is a good goal but let's be specific. So my #1 goal is to lose 4 pounds in January and I will accomplish this my writing down what I consume in this time. It keeps you honest and makes you pay attention to what you are putting into your body.
Goal #2 cut 2 minutes off of my best 5K time. So my goal is 36 minutes.
Goal #3 is to run a 9 minute mile. I hate running out of my comfort zone but I want to accomplish this. For me there is little planning I need to do for these goals. I am already running regularly and it is more of a mental block for me to accomplish these goals.
Goal #4 start doing spinning again 1x/week. I love spinning and I've already done the leg work on this one. I joined my local YMCA and have the schedule in hand for the spinning classes.
Goal # 5 start doing pilates again. I will start with 2x per week. Again I have all the resources ready for this.

The other important task in this challenge was to write down your biggest excuse. For me it's, "I'm tired!" So how do you eliminate your excuse. For me, it is to just do it. Identifying the excuse is the biggest hurdle for most people. Once you realize what your excuse is come up with a plan to overcome it.

Check out Ben's website at

Happy New Year!!