Friday, August 20, 2010

Running with a Partner

I love running because it is my time to be alone. It is my "therapy" time. I had a running partner a few years ago when we were training for a relay race, but she moved across the country. What would the benefits be to have a running partner or a group?
Commitment. I've been guilty a few weekends of not getting out of bed for my long run. The only person I am hurting or disappointing is myself. If I had a running partner meeting me somewhere I wouldn't let that person down. (and I wouldn't be late)
Motivation. Having someone with similar interests helping you during those tough spots is a definite benefit. Can you imagine you are at mile 6 of an 11 mile run and you say I've had it. (happened last week to me, I was alone and QUIT, so embarrassing) Your partner would help you finish.
Improving your speeds/distance. Finding a partner with a bit more experience than you can help you improve your performance. Finding a running group in your area is a great way to meet people of all different levels of running fitness and experience.
Safety. Running by yourself can be a safety concern especially if you are running when it is dark out. I used to run in college by myself sometimes at night. I look back at this and think, "What was I thinking??". I was in a bad area of town and was a young woman. I chalk it up to growing up in a rural area where the only things watching you on your run are the cows. Today, I won't run at night by myself though it is one of my favorite times to run. A partner would solve that problem.
There are online running communities such as or if you are having difficulty finding a running partner.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Breaking Down a Run

I'm in training for my 2nd half-marathon and on my latest long run of 9.5 miles I made mental notes of what I was feeling and how I mentally got through the run.

Mile 1- I always find the first 1/2 to 1 mile basically sucks. My body is getting into a rhythm and I just have to tell myself it will pass. (and it always does)
It really helped that I had some upbeat music at that point and having a few of my favorite tunes at the beginning really is beneficial. (love Pink!)

Mile 3- Asked myself Why am I suddenly tired? My pace was good, I prepared this am with a small meal and hydrated myself, so why? I used the mantra "I get to run!" I used distraction techniques of count the cyclists, concentrate on the things around me. The sun was rising and was quite a site, there was lots of wildlife to check out and before i knew it I was on Mile 4 and feeling good. I was running on a section of the trail that I hadn't been on before so it helped that there were new sites to see. There was an actual wildlife reserve and it is beautiful.

Mile 5- Wardrobe malfunction this am with socks. I picked the wrong ones and was too lazy to find the ones that I love and I payed for it. Rubbing going on the inside of my left foot and one toe of my right foot. I had to stop and readjust the socks. This helped a little but I had to tell myself that it would be ok and I could do this.

Mile5-8 Surprisingly very smooth. I got into a good pace and used the distractions that I find work. Watching the scenery, listening to my music, and thinking of daily things in my life. Some people find thinking of daily events, good or bad, not helpful during a run. I use it as my therapy time, my time to be alone with just my thoughts. I did get a side stitch around mile 7 but concentrated on my breathing making it longer and deeper, and the side stitch soon passed.

Mile 9- The trail I use is straight and flat so you can see for a distance. By mile 8 I could see the end in the distance but I had to really use positive self talk to keep myself running the whole way. I find this a tough part of a run, but I was able to run and even end with a little push.

The Finish- I had to pat myself on the back for doing that run. Good Job! I kept running the whole way and really used the distraction techniques I've written about in previous posts. I actually am looking forward to my next long run of 11 miles in 2 weeks.

"I get to run."